How many times have you had the opportunity to make a Starfish Story? If we look into our daily lifes we surely have all had the chance to help someone and make a difference in someway. Regardless of how insignificant it may have seemed to others.
I would like you to meet the Starfish of Orphange 42......
Chase |
Darina |
Ivan |
Haven |
Presley |
Simeon |
This six children are all looking to be saved from institutions and into a home safely where they belong.
Surely they all have a mom and dad out there that can rescue them from that sunrise. To give them the opportunity to live in a family just like the starfish the boy in the story rescued. Could this be you? Are you willing to make a difference for them?
" For the Lord is a Great God...the sea is his, and he made it." Psalm 95: 3,5